Friday, January 20, 2012

Puppy Love

Whenever the boss takes me down to the beach I think he worries the most about the dogs running wild that might come after me but little does he know, it looks like the pups love buns!  Here's a few videos I found as proof of said fact; now I'mma get back to lying around and eating hay.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Wednesday's Bunny News

I've been hoppin' around the house a lot these days, thinking about life; I enjoy some of these obstacles the boss set up.  These boxes are really fun because I can run through them and also chew them up!  I'm also trying to get my speed up by running laps around the pulled out couch, then I jump up on the couch, onto the tall part, and back down to the floor.  What a work out.  Here's some Bunny News for you!

Pacific Northwest Bunnies Returned Safe and Sound
Except for ROGER

Praise for the End of the Year of the Rabbit

Dedham Soon to Show Off Bunny Heritage

Leporidae Responsible for Sabotage of $30M Racetrack

Friday, January 13, 2012

Oldy But A Goody

Here's a video from a couple years back of me acting a fool when we used to live in the OC.  I'mma BOSS...bout to go dig up this cardboard in memorial of these good old times in the laundry.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wednesday's Bunny News

Log Jammin'
I'm in the process of chewing down my latest podcast so please stay tuned for that later this week; here's a hint, it isn't about the amount of parsley I eat daily...which is zero.  In the meantime I've been scouring the web for the most interesting stories of bunny mayhem and mischief and the following are a few stories I thought were good enough for a lil chew.

More Canadian Bunnies To Be Rescued

Signs of the Bunny Signularity (IT MUST BE STOPPED!)

Tales of SoCal Bunnies On The Loose

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Family Tree, Summer Tapes

There's a band I really like called Family Tree and a Lop-Eared friend of mine passed this along to me.  It's a 38 song collection of great sing along style songs recorded in 2008.  From the band:
these songs were recorded on cassette tape in rest stops, parks, living rooms, venues, and on top of the van, during a twomonth tour in the summer of 2008

family tree was david van patten, kevin klein and lexi lee. with special appearances by tiffany davy, audriana and danny moore.

special thanks to warren woodward for digitizing more than 6 hours of material. which he has yet to be paid for
Hope y'all can hop around to these and enjoy!  I know I'll be thumping along to the beat.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Trib's Endorsement

Today I'm pledging full support for Vermin Supreme who is running in tomorrow's New Hampshire Democratic primary election and is sure to lose.  But who can argue with free ponies for everyone?!  I sure can't, which is why I, Tribble the Bunny....can't vote, plus I live in Cali so it'd be a lil difficult to vote for this maniac!  But please take a moment and get acquainted with Vermin who deserves a few votes just for spending the money to get on the ballot.

Here is some bunny related stuff to get your week going right!

Canmore Rabbits to be Rescued!

For Pennsylvania Girls, Rabbits No Longer Just A Hobby

Pet Bunny Going Home After Harrowing Experience

North Carolina Bun is now Mascot for Yarn

Please check me out on Twitter Now For Daily BS from the Bun!

Friday, January 6, 2012

Is This Real Life Or Dexter??

It sure feels like Miami...
I know they were filming the show down the street the other day but this is just ridiculous.  Apparently a 24 year old German ex-pat got really pissed at America and decided to burn it to the ground!  Harry Burkhart is currently charged with 37 counts of arson but is also suspected by both the German and Canadian governments in suspicious fires that coincided with him being in the respective countries.  This crazy dude apparently hopped around Hollywood on New Years weekend setting over 50 fires with some sort of device!  And as if that's not crazy enough, Burkhart appears to have been set off by the federal detention of his mother on an un-fire-related German warrant.
Burkhart was arrested Monday night on the Sunset Strip
Now I personally have been known to cause mischief in my day--pulling up the carpet, making a mess in my cage, thumping loudly at all hours of the night, and there was the time I chewed through the Kinect cable--but this guy really takes the cake.  Germany wants him for insurance fraud (he set his own house on fire then took the money and ran), Canada wants him for something like 12 suspicious house fires, and he's being held on $2.85 million bail for what could be up to 53 fires here in Los Angeles!  I personally hope they throw the book at this guy, so many people lost their valuable property and his pony tail is so ugly it's more gross than me eating my own poop all the time.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Animal Horders Are The WORST!

6 is ok...150???  Not ok.
Recently the boss was watching a very disturbing TV show about a woman who had 9 dogs, 12 birds, and hunted ghosts for money; the episode prior featured a woman who's home (trailer) had been over run by my hopping brethren.  Now I'm reading a story about a German man who was living with 150 rabbits running wild in his apartment!!!!  What the hell is wrong with the human race!  We rabbits are quite cute and cuddly I agree but come on!  Get it together people, it's not OK to live among feces.  German news site The Local reports that, "Following complaints from neighbors about the smell, the police reportedly looked through a window of the apartment to see about 20 rabbits hopping around a floor covered in feces and food remains, with flies buzzing above the unholy brew."  But that was just the tip of the proverbial iceberg, when the police were finished 150 rabbits were rescued from these horrific conditions and the man was left holding the bill for the clean up.

Now I've been known to live in a mess or two in my day, but this story is just a little ridiculous.  Seems to me if you have to dig through a pile of rabbit poo on your way to cook food to eat, you should recognize that it's not normal to live that way.  It only takes about a month to breed so if you set a bunch of rabbits loose in a small space you're going to have a multiplying problem within the first few months not to mention a horrible smell.  So a notice to all pet owners from me, Tribble The Bunny, unless you have a nice big farm or a large outdoor area for us all to play in, please don't try to domesticate more than four to five bunnies at a time.  K? Thanks!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012 Resolutions

It's 2012 and I know we're all going to have a banner year!  So I wanna take this time to let everyone know my new years resolutions.

1) Torment the bosses as much as possible.  I got a good nibble in on him on New Years day and I plan on doing a lot more of that this year.
2) Get some more sun.  We're half a block from the beach and I've never seen the ocean so this year I wanna get out on the leash and play in the sand, possibly dig a giant hole to somewhere more exotic.
3) Exercise more.  I want to do at least 10 laps in the hutch per day and jump up and down from the shelf at least 20 more times so my hopping legs can get a good work out.
4) Stay on my hay only diet.  For awhile I had gotten into the habit of eating bunny pellets and they made me lethargic and lazy so I want to keep on eating hay only to get myself in order.

That's it!  I think those four goals are good and I fully expect to stay to them through next December!