Friday, December 30, 2011

Friday's Newsworthy Thoughts

who run the cage??
I'm sitting here on the last Friday of 2011 wondering what I'll be doing to celebrate its end.  I'll most likely be home alone yet again so maybe I'll try stacking all the TP rolls in here and then knock them down with a mighty thump at midnight.  Perhaps I'll try and finish up this chew log so the boss will get me a new one for the new year; I think they have some honey chews hiding somewhere, maybe they'll give them to me...yum.  Or maybe I'll just run around and around in the cage making a mess for them to clean up on New Year's day.  Anyways, here are some bunny links.

Rising From The Ashes

Models Stand Up For Buns
(Leaping Bunny)

Rabbit Farm Beats The Man

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Trib Shows Off!!

Here's a video the bosses and I cooked up for all you loving fans out there!  Sometimes I just like to show off how awesome I am by picking up my TP rolls and running around the cage!

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Post Christmas Unlinking

Hey Everyone!
So now that the Christmas holiday is finally over I'm looking forward to getting out of this cage and stretching my little legs.  Since the tree went up the boss has been keeping on lock down for reasons unknown--might have something to do with cables and destruction in general; I'm a pretty angry Bun sometimes.  I didn't get that leg lamp I was hoping for this year but am very thankful for the great chew toys and treats I did receive, I really enjoy playing in this smaller cardboard house especially.  And a big thank you to my girl Jazzmine who hooked it up with some honey chews!

Not-so-Year Of The Rabbit Animal Stories
Aussy Tales of the Boxing Day Bunny

Not a lot of great bunny news as of now so on to some baby bunny videos!

And finally a video of a bun just a tad more ferocious than I!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Bunny Holiday

ho ho ho!
As the week crawls to a close I get more and more excited for Christmas day.  I'm still pulling for the leg lamp but will for sure settle for something yummy to nibble on and maybe a toy or two for this here wooden shack.  It's looking like a cool 73 and sunny down in LB on the joyous day, eat your heart out cold weather cities!  Perfect weather for stretchin' the old hind legs and listening to the birds sing carols in the alley.
On a side note I really like these shinny colorful lights on the tree, the boss set up his tree right next to my hutch so I can sit on the chill porch and look at the tasty needles with the blinking lights through my window.  Here are some seasonal videos to get you in the spirit of things!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Bunny News

Tips on dealing with you're RABBIT BULLY (The Telegraph UK)
Update on 2000 feral buns in JEOPARDY (CTV)
A Bun as a Pet FOR LIFE (AlgonquinPatch)
Critters who need a NEW HOME for the holidays (Tucson Sentinel)

Orange County's "Bunny Whisperer"

Yo Santa, I want a carrot
Just a short drive down the freeway from the beach here lives a woman with a passion for long eared friends like me.  Marylin Mansdorf has been coined the OC's very own Bunny Whisperer; for the last 7 years, generations of furry hoppers have claimed her yard as their little play pen, "It's just like the swallows that go back to Capistrano, or salmon swimming upstream. These bunnies come back, generation after generation..."  Mansdorf captures the antics in photos and has plans to publish up to 4 more books in her Busy Bunny series following the initial release, Bunny's Busy Day earlier this year.

Click through to National Geographic's "My Shot" collection of Marylin's buns.  I think I may just have to hop on down to the OC after I finish another bag of hay and get my strength back up.  All this lying around being lazy has me out of shape and not quite ready for the long haul.  The bosses here don't give me nearly enough toys to play with like this lady would; I'm thinking about making a break for it.  Unfortunately, there's a First 48 marathon going on right now so I think I'll wait till it's over before I think about anything else.

Monday, December 19, 2011


This show is pretty disgusting sometimes.  This guy in Manhattan has to climb 5 flights of fire escape because his door is blocked, then crawl through a tunnel he's carved out of trash and feces.  I mean seriously?  It's hard to eat this timothy hay while watching this so I think I'll just chew this log while the boss gets ready to leave.

Here's some bunny vids!!

Friday, December 16, 2011

It's Friiiiiidayyyyyyyyyy!

Hello everyone!!  I know I promised a new Podcast this week but I'm terribly sorry, with all this Christmas shopping and extra chewing I've been doing these last few days I really haven't had the time.  I promise I've got some great stuff coming down the pipeline though so check back early and often!

Meanwhile here's a great video of one of my HUGE friends!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Rescue Us All!!!

It was recently brought to my attention--while the owners were watching The Christmas Bunny (this film is rather grim if I do say so but entertaining none the less)--that there's one commonality among a large amount of rabbits in this world.  They're casually abandoned.  This is a gross display of negligence on the part of all humanity that something as cuddly, cute, and lovable as myself can so easily be discarded like yesterday's news.  Now I'm sure that many times when a pet is abandoned it's for fiscal reasons of one way or another but I'm horrified to think that people may just be dropping bunnies off in the forest to find Thumper and his pals and live happily ever after in the fairy tale world of Disney cartoons.  The reality is we bunnies, once domesticated, like living with you people! We crave your attention and delicious treats!  So please think twice before buying a pet rabbit for your daughter's friend's cousin or whatever other willy nilly purchase of a rabbit you may chose to make.  A rabbit is a loyal and loving pet for life, not just till the allure wears off.

Here are some places to adopt abandoned bunnies!

So Cal Rabbit and Pocket Pet Rescue

House Rabbit Society Rescue

Rabbit Rescue Inc

Monday, December 12, 2011

My Main Man's Monday Musings (aka 5XM)

Hey it's a bear waving!  I've been sitting here in my cage listening to the rain outside and thinking about a lot of things.  Like I really wish I had some dirt to dig or some water to float in; this cage is big and spacious but what it really needs to set itself apart from other indoor/outdoor hutches is just one extra to push it over the top.  In an earlier post I admired the determination of Howard who dug himself a nice little hole and here is another brave bun floating away his cares.  All I have in here to do is lie around, chew stuff, and jump to the shelf and back down...I guess things could be a lot worse. (Links follow the jump)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Almost Forgot

John Winston Lennon 10/09/40 - 12/08/80
I would also like to honor my favorite Beatle, John Lennon--who also passed away on December 8th--31 years ago today.  His dream of world peace still lives on today in his words and music and memory.  Give Peace A Chance.


Today me and my fellow metal heads mourn the passing of "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott.  Shot dead on stage 7 years ago today, the world will drink tonight for Dime.  Metal god Rob Halford said of hearing the news of Dime's death, " be fucking brutally murdered is just insane. Absolutely insane. John Lennon is the only other person, isn’t it? They’re both in good company, as far as what they mean and how they’ve lived on in our lives. How Dimebag will always live on. That’s the only bit of solace you’ve got. It’s that the work that they made will live forever. That’s the blessing." (REVOLVER)


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Holy Hutch!!

In the market town of King's Lynn, Norfolk in jolly old England there's a pair of bunnies living the high life.  No I'm not talking about some misplaced playmate living the lavish life of the ex-patriot, I'm referring to Runnie and Hunnie two pet rabbits who have recently moved into their very own state of the art hand made and air conditioned outdoor hutch.  The 7.5' x 4.5' hutch has heat, air, and of course live web cams displaying it's contents to owners Jason and Mairi Batterbee at a moments notice via their smartphones.
The Batterbee's with Runnie and Hunnie
As you can see in the above photo the incredibly attractive owners have little else to do with themselves other to take care of their hop-along homies and I say more power to them!  I wish my owners spent this much time and energy on me instead of watching endless reruns of Storage Wars and/or the X-Files.  My hutch feels more fancy then my previous two cages seen here and here but I would kill for some A/C!!  So here I am, expressing my jealousy toward you Runnie and Hunnie, live it up in the UK; I'll stay put down here at the beach watching TV.

Thursday, December 1, 2011

Tis The Season

It's December 1st and I'm already getting excited for my favorite time of the year!  Last X-Mas my owners got me some great toys to make noise with and this year I really want a Leg Lamp!  For those of you who live under a large rock or somewhere where they don't have television, the Leg Lamp was made famous in my second favorite Christmas movie of all time, A Christmas Story.  So for all you readers out there please feel free to send me one or suggest it to the authors of this site k? thanks.

Also check out this great re-write of the 12 Days Of (Bunny) Christmas!